The Association of citizens ,,Tračak" is an organization that is registered in October 2006.
It is founded by a group of young people that want to and like to work with children and youth in order to strengthen individuals and groups to develop their potentials, their relations to others and different then themselves and to participate actively in the building of the society which they live in.
The programs realized by the organization are based on the principals and the methodology of informal education through workshops, trainings, seminars, actions etc.
The Mission: The association of citizens ,,Tračak" from Novi Sad wants to provide children and youth with an organized spending of free time through creative-educational workshops and other activities which goal is to develop values like creativity, activism, tolerance, healthy lifestyles, awakening of collective conscience and straightening of individual characteristics.
The Vision: Young people with a developed conciseness and healthy relationship with themselves and their environment.
Realized projects:
-THE CREATIVE ALARM CLOCK - A project for children that is continually being realized since 2006 as a part of the Children’s Week. In creative workshops we are dealing with diverse topics: strengthening of the ecological conscience, promotion of nonviolence and intercultural dialogue and the safety of children in traffic. The project is financed by the department for social and children protection of the City of Novi Sad. Until now around 400 children have been involved in the project activities.
-LITTLE SCHOOL OF NONVIOLENCE- is a project that has been realized in December 2006. with children in the age of 7 to 10 years. The Children had the opportunity to gain skills of successful communication and nonviolent solving of conflicts trough 8 workshops.
-DETELINARA FOR THE PLANET - an ecological project, realized in the year of 2008. in cooperation with the Volunteers Center of Vojvodina and the Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization. The general goal of the project was to rise the awareness of the citizens living in the local community of Detelinara and other parts of the City of Novi Sad of the problems of environment protection. Specific goals of the project: To promote the usage of cotton bags instead of plastic bags and to reduce the amount of plastic bags used one single time by the citizens. Around 300 children participated in the project.
-BEAUTIFUL, BLUE DANUBE, 22.05.2009. - 29.06.2009.
The project ,,Beautiful, blue Danube" had the goal to rise the awareness of the citizens of Novi Sad and wider about the importance of the protection of the Danube river regarding the problem of irrational usage of plastic bags in order to reduce the amount of their usage and by that to reduce the amount of the plastic waste that ends up in the rivers. Around 300 children from Novi Sad and surrounding participated in the project whit whom we realized ecological workshops, and on the 29.July we celebrated the ,,Danube day" on the ,,Strand"beach.
-TRACAK'S SUMMER SCHOOL - ECOLOGICAL THEATER, July - September 2009. The project was financed by the city-department for environmental protection.
In the office of the local community ,,Detelinara" we have got together 20 children in the age from 4 to 10 years, in the workshops they had the opportunity to learn about important ecological principals, as well as about the ecological Bonton, and after that they used the new knowledge and skills by making dolls, costumes and the scenography for an educational art show that was played in the final of the project.
-YOUNG AND SECURE, September 2009.-January 2010. The project was financed by the Ministry of youth and sport of the Republic of Serbia. The general goal of this project was the increasing of the security of young people in the traffic trough education about the consequences of violating traffic laws, motivating and supporting active involvement in the prevention of this
-OUR CHILDREN ARE SAFE PEDESTRIANS, March/April 2010. Project of a traffic education within which about 200 first grade schoolchildren from Novi Sad gained necessary knowledge for their independent participation in traffic. In the final part of the project we organized a get together on the main square in Novi Sad and invited the public to take more care about the youngest participants in the traffic.
-ECOLOGICAL MASCARADE, December 2010. The goal of the project was to develop and strengthen the awareness of the children about the importance of saving the life environment, the importance of recycling and the saving of existing natural resources. Around 200 kids made masks out of recycled waste during the realization of the ecological mascarade. The project was financed by the department for environmental protection of the City of Novi Sad.
-HUMAN RIGHTS, December 2010. The project was realized on the 10.December when the international day of human rights is celebrated, with the woman from the school for adult education. The goal: strengthening of self-respect and self-esteem and love yourself as an person of female gender. The project was financed by the Ministry of human and minority rights of the Republic of Serbia.
-YOUR SAFETY IS IN YOUR OWN HANDS, September-December 2010. The project was financed by the Ministry of youth and sport of the Republic of Serbia. The general goal of this project was the increasing of the safety of youth in traffic through education about the consequences of violating traffic laws, motivating and supporting of active participation in the prevention of this problem and supporting of the realization of preventive actions. Around 800 young people from Vojvodina took part in this project.
12. 1. 2011.
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